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10 Sleep Rules We're Following This Summer

Happy and well rested during the summer

Summer is here, and the days are long! Whether you're chilling at home or out and about all day, those extra daylight hours can definitely impact your baby's sleep.

Rules and structure might sound boring, and I'm all about being out and doing all the summer things. But I'm also about sleep (duh, I'm a sleep coach 😴🧘‍♀️). I believe that you can have both as long as you find a balance.

Here are some rules we're following this summer to ensure we have fun and stay well-rested. These tips help everyone in the house—not just the kids—keeping my sanity and mental health in check, too!

1. If We Skip a Nap, We Do an Early Bedtime

During summer, it's easy to get caught up in activities and skip a nap. When this happens, we compensate with an early bedtime to ensure our little one gets enough rest. This helps prevent overtiredness and the meltdowns that often come with it.

2. If We're Having a Late Night, We Aim for a Longer Nap

Late nights can be a part of summer fun, but they can also throw off sleep schedules. To balance this, we try to extend nap times the following day. This way, our baby gets the rest they need despite the disruption.

3. Adjust Bedtime Routine; Make It Shorter If They're Having Fun

When the kids are having a blast, it's hard to pull them away for a long bedtime routine. In these cases, we keep the bedtime routine short and sweet. A quick bath, a short story, and off to bed they go. This keeps things enjoyable without sacrificing sleep.

With toddlers or young children, you can actually make them part of the routine and the process. You can help them choose by saying things like, "Okay, if we want to stay longer, you won't have 20 minutes to read before bed. Are you okay with that?" Giving toddlers and school-aged kids some independence is always motivating.

4. Respect Their Sleep Needs

It's important to recognize and respect our child's sleep needs. If they show signs of tiredness, we make sure to prioritize rest, even if it means changing our plans. This helps maintain their overall well-being and mood.

Not sure about your little one's sleep needs? Here is a useful guide.

We respect their needs, but we also acknowledge that we have needs too. For example, keeping them up a bit longer if there is something we (parents) really want to do.

5. Bring What’s Needed for Naps on the Go

Summer often means being out and about. We bring along items that help our baby nap on the go, like a stroller, travel crib, or favorite blanket. This ensures they can catch some zzz's no matter where we are.

I also leave the room ready if we are going to be coming home very close to naptime; that way the transition is smoother.

6. Be Patient and Acknowledge When They're Tired

Patience is key during summer when schedules can be irregular. We stay attuned to our baby's cues and acknowledge when they're tired, even if it means adjusting our activities. This helps prevent exhaustion and keeps everyone happier.

7. Be Flexible and Go with the Flow

Flexibility is essential during summer. Plans can change, and that's okay. We go with the flow, making adjustments as needed to accommodate our baby's sleep needs. This approach reduces stress for everyone involved.

8. Remember, You're the Parent—You Know When They Need a Rest

Trusting our instincts is crucial. As parents, we know when our child needs rest, even if they resist. We make sure to enforce rest times to keep them healthy and happy.

9. Quiet Time or Rest for Older Kids, Too

Older kids also benefit from quiet time or rest periods. We make sure to include this in their day, even if they don't nap. A little downtime helps them recharge and prevents burnout.

10. Have a Consistent Wake-Up Time

Maintaining a consistent wake-up time helps regulate our baby's internal clock. Even with all the summer fun, we try to stick to a regular wake-up time to keep their sleep schedule on track. We do make exceptions when our kids have a late night, but they never wake up late, so it’s whatever.  🤷‍♀️

By following these rules, we avoid major meltdowns and fussiness from overtiredness, making summer more enjoyable for everyone.

Which of these rules will you try? Let me know in the comments!


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