I can’t say this enough… I hate this time change! Both my kids are early risers, especially my daughter, who barely makes it to 6:00 AM most mornings. She’s up around 5:40 to 6:10 every day, without fail.
So does that mean she’ll be up at 4:40 AM after the clocks change? Yes! At least for a few days.
Thankfully, she has a clock in her room, knows how to read it, and will usually go back to sleep if it’s too early. I’ve been avoiding explaining “fall back” to her because once she understands, she might decide that 5:00 AM is a perfectly reasonable time to start the day—haha! I may have another year before she catches on.
Now, I used to be that mom who prepared for the time change weeks in advance and recommended everyone do the same. Then, I had a second baby, started working, and couldn’t handle adding one more thing to my plate. So, I decided to just go with the flow, and honestly? It’s worked pretty well!
This guide is for you whether you’re like me and choose to “wing it” or if you prefer to prep in advance. Either approach can work; both just need a little patience and consistency.
Here’s How to Handle the Fall Time Change!
Step 1: What to do on Sunday Morning
When your baby wakes up, start your day as usual. Yes, the clock will say a time that’s earlier than you’re used to (your phone will read 5:00 AM, but your body and your little one aren’t feeling like it’s 5:00 AM). Follow your morning routine as if nothing has changed.
Step 2: Handling Naps
Try to push the nap(s) about 30 minutes later than usual. For instance, if your baby’s first nap is usually at 9:00 AM, aim to start it around 8:30 AM (new time). Try to let them sleep as long as possible to get as close as possible to the original wake-up time. Follow the same approach with the second and third naps if your baby is on a multiple-nap schedule. Keep this up for at least three days.
Step 3: Adjusting Bedtime
Shift bedtime by 30 minutes for the first three days. So if your baby typically goes to bed at 7:30 PM, try to put them down at 7:00 PM (which will feel like 8:00 PM to them, so it’s just 30 minutes off). Stick to this new time for three days.
Step 4: The Magic of Morning Wake-Up Adjustments
After two or three days, you can start pushing their wake-up time a little later each morning. Consistency is key here! Let’s say your baby wakes up at 6:30 AM (instead of the usual 7:00 AM). Try to keep them in their crib or room until 7:00 AM, even if they’re wide awake and just hanging out. Over time, their body will adjust to the new wake-up time.
Step 5: Will Their Schedule Be Fully Adjusted?
Yes! It may take up to two weeks, but with consistency, it will happen.
A Few More Tips
For Toddlers: Consider using an “okay to wake” clock to help them understand when it’s time to get up. Set the rules and say, “We don’t start our day until the light is green. If it’s not green, it’s time to rest.”
Mind Your Response: If it’s been weeks and your child is still waking up before 6:00 AM, it may be time to reevaluate. Small things, like taking them out of their room early or bringing them to yours, could be sending mixed messages about wake-up time.
Want to Start Adjusting a Few Days Before Sunday?
If you prefer to get a head start, you totally can! It might feel like extra work, but here’s a simple plan: begin moving bedtime 30 minutes later a few days before the change. For example:
Regular Bedtime | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
7:30 PM | 8:00 PM | 8:00 PM | 8:30 PM | 8:30 PM | 7:30 PM |
So if your baby’s usual bedtime is 7:30 PM, put them down at 8:00 PM on Wednesday and Thursday, then 8:30 PM on Friday and Saturday. By Sunday, they’ll be back at 7:30 PM, and it’ll feel just right.
Hang in there—this time change doesn’t last forever! With patience and consistency, you and your little ones can adjust smoothly.
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