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The Power of the Right Baby Schedule

If you're dealing with sleep struggles, here's a secret: a proper schedule can be a game-changer! So many issues around baby sleep can be solved by simply adjusting to the right routine. If your current schedule isn’t quite right, things can feel chaotic—and I’ve seen it all before!

When I first chat with a new family, we always start by going through their baby’s schedule. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of tweaking the timing to make sure it’s age-appropriate and aligns with what the baby needs. My favorite part? Checking in with parents a week later and hearing how much improvement they've noticed—simply by adjusting the schedule!

Signs Your Baby’s Schedule Might Be Off:

  1. Trouble falling asleep at bedtime – You’ve got the perfect bedtime routine down (bath, book, lullaby…), but your little one just won't settle.

  2. Endless energy in the evening – Instead of winding down, your baby seems ready to run a marathon! They’re not showing signs of sleepiness at all.

  3. Frequent night wakings – Your baby is waking up multiple times in the night, disrupting your much-needed rest.

  4. Middle of the night wake-ups that last forever – Not only do they wake up, but they stay awake for long stretches, and no one’s going back to sleep.

  5. Early morning wake-ups – We're talking before 6 AM! Yikes.

  6. Daytime fussiness – They seem irritable or cranky throughout the day, like they’re not getting the sleep they need.

  7. Naptime struggles – Falling asleep for naps is a challenge, leaving you both frustrated.

I still go back and check my toddler's sleep needs whenever I notice any of these signs. I keep a log for a few days, and if the issue has been happening for more than two weeks, I consider making adjustments

If you feel like you have the right schedule but are still struggling with some of the signs I mentioned, let's chat and dive deeper into your baby's sleep! Send an email to


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